New Parking and Drop-off Guide

At the high school, sophomores will park in the front lot in the spots nearest to the auditorium. Visitors can park up front in spaces 1-8. Juniors and Seniors will park in the back parking lot, and staff will be able to park in the front two parking lots and the middle lot. 
For high school pickup and drop-off, one minor change is where you enter the middle lot to drop off your students. Parents will use the immediate first entrance and circle around and exit left onto Ram Challenge Drive and out to Green Grove Road.
For Penns Valley Elementary and Intermediate, parents will enter and exit at the same place off of Rt. 45. As parents circle around to the top of the parking lot, you will notice that the sidewalk has been extended around the top curve. This gives parents a longer sidewalk area to stop and safely deposit their children. Basically, anywhere along that sidewalk is acceptable as a drop-off point. 
The new parking arrangements and traffic flow before and after school allow for a safer commute. These new routes separate bus and civilian vehicles, and provide ample sidewalks for pedestrian safety.